Salmon Poetry podcast

Salmon Poetry is a leading publisher of Irish and international voices, based in County Clare, on the west coast of Ireland.

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Sheila Black - Radium Dream

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

Sheila Black is the author of House of Bone, Love/Iraq, Wen Kroy, winner of the Orphic Prize in Poetry, and Iron, Ardent. She is also the author of three chapbooks, most recently, All the Sleep in the World (Alabrava Press, 2021).  Poems and essays have appeared in Poetry, Kenyon Review Online, Blackbird, The Birmingham Review and The New York Times. She is a co-editor of Beauty is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability (Cinco Puntos Press, 2011), named a Notable Book for Adults for 2012 by the American Library Association. She received a 2012 Witter Bynner Fellowship from the Library of Congress, for which she was selected by Philip Levine. She is a co-founder of Zoeglossia, a non-profit to build community for poets with disabilities. She lives in San Antonio, Texas.
Radium Dream was published by Salmon Poetry in March 2022. 

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

Raine Geoghegan, is of mixed heritage, English, Romany, Welsh and Irish. She is a performance poet, prose writer, playwright, voice over artist and performance skills coach. Prior to writing she was a professional actor, dancer and theatre practitioner. She trained in dance, theatre and drama therapy. She founded Earthworks, a Women’s Theatre Collective in 1993. Illness and disability brought her to writing. Nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize; Forward Prize and Best of the Net, she won the Moon Prize for Writing in a Woman’s Voice and her poem “The Birth of Rage”. Her three pamphlets, Apple Water: Povel Panni, they lit fires: lenti hatch o yog and The Stone Sleep are published with Hedgehog Poetry Press. Apple Water: Povel Panni was chosen as a Poetry Book Society 2019 Selected Pamphlet. In 2024, Raine will edit an anthology of Romany women writers and artists, to be published by Salmon Poetry. 

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022

Sue Hubbard is an award-winning poet, novelist, broadcaster and art critic. Twice winner of the London Writers Competition and winner of third prize in the National Poetry Competition, her publications include Everything Begins with the Skin (Enitharmon), Ghost Station and The Forgetting and Remembering of Air (Salt), The Idea of Islands: a collaboration with the artist Donald Teskey (Occasional Press, Ireland). Twenty of her poems appeared in Oxford Poets 2000: an Anthology (Carcanet) and, as the Poetry Society’s only Public Art Poet, she was responsible for London’s largest public art poem, Eurydice, at Waterloo. Her poems have been read on Poetry Please, The Verb and Front Row and appeared in The Irish Times, The Observer and numerous magazines and anthologies and have been recorded for the Poetry Archive. Swimming to Albania is her fourth collection.

Todd Hearon - Crows in Eden

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022

Todd Hearon is the author of two collections of poems—Strange Land (Southern Illinois University Press, 2010) and No Other Gods (Salmon Poetry, 2015).  His poems, essays and plays have appeared widely in the United States and abroad. He is the recipient of a PEN/New England “Discovery” Award, the Friends of Literature Prize (Poetry magazine and the Poetry Foundation), the Rumi Prize in Poetry (Arts & Letters), and the Campbell Corner Poetry Prize (Sarah Lawrence College).  He served as the Dartmouth College Poet-in-Residence at the Frost Place in Franconia, New Hampshire, and was a Dobie Paisano Fellow at the University of Texas in Austin.  Born in Texas and raised in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, he lives in Exeter, New Hampshire, and teaches at Phillips Exeter Academy. 

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